
The Most Important Things To Do Before Traveling

Tasks To Do Before You Leave On Vacation

Vacation to do lists are important to have before you embark on your next adventure. Vacations are a time to get away from life’s stresses and relax for a few days. But before being able to truly relax on your trip, you’ll need to make sure everything at home is taken care of.

Luckily, there are only a few simple tasks you need to add to your to-do list before taking off on a trip. Make sure you tackle these 10 pre-vacation tasks to ensure you have the most enjoyable and stress-free trip.

10 Pre-Vacation Tasks For Your To Do List

Stop Your Mail

a full mailbox in front of white house, symbolic of stopping your mail before traveling

There is no better way to let prowlers know you’ve been gone for an extended period of time than a big pile of mail outside your front door or falling out of your mailbox.

Make sure you let your post office know you’ll be gone by asking the USPS to hold your mail during your trip. You can visit the USPS website and fill out a quick form to set up the service.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Since you won’t be in the house, there’s no need to keep your thermostat at a comfortable setting, allowing you to save a little electricity while you’re gone. Just don’t turn the thermostat off completely.

In addition to helping keep down the humidity and mold in your house by keeping the air circulating, allowing your AC to run while your gone will also prevent you from overworking your system when you return.

Unplug Unused Appliances

Another great way to help cut down your electricity bill while you’re away is to unplug unneeded appliances. Unplugging computers, televisions, and gaming systems will prevent them from sucking power while they’re not in use.

Clean Your Kitchen

cleaning supplies on kitchen counter top to convey the importance of cleaning your kitchen before traveling

While taking the time to clean your house before you leave is a great idea, if you only have time to clean one room, make it your kitchen. Start by sealing up open food boxes to keep unwanted pests from feasting while you’re gone.

Then, make sure all the dishes are done and put away. Finally, empty the trash can and pour a little bit of baking soda down the drain to neutralize any leftover food debris that could be stuck in the pipes.

Clean Out The Refrigerator

An often overlooked task on a pre-vacation to do list is to clean out the refrigerator. No one wants to come home to moldy food, left in the fridge for too long. Make sure to eat your perishables before you leave on your travels or throw them away.

Freeze a Meal

Thai Chicken Thighs on white platter garnished with green onion and chopped peanuts.

Nobody wants to come home from traveling all day only to have to cook a meal for your family. Make things a little easier on yourself by freezing a meal. Then, all you need to do is pop the pan in the oven to have a delicious home cooked meal when you return home.

Try this recipe for Easy Thai Chicken! Its super flavorful, reheats well and is ready in no time. This one should be at the top of your vacation to do list.

Check Travel Restrictions For The Destination You Are Visiting

Due to COVID-19, some destinations may have travel restrictions. Certain states or countries will require you to adhere to specific health and safety guidelines. Therefore, it is important to investigate this before leaving on your trip. During the pandemic, this is one of the most important pre-vacation tasks to check off of your to do list.

Get A Pet Sitter

a dog and cat on a yellow couch under a blanket to represent getting a pet sitter before going on vacation

Before traveling, don’t forget about your furry friend! Ask a neighbor, friend or family member to look after your pet while you are away. Coming by to feed them, give them water, or take them for a walk is easily done in an hour.

If you don’t want to burden your friends and family, consider dropping your pet off at an animal hotel where they will take care of them for you.

Download Movies/TV Shows/Music

There’s nothing worse than traveling without proper entertainment. Whether that is a long flight or a drive, you want to be properly prepared. Make sure to download any movies, shows or music onto your phone, tablet or laptop before you leave for vacation.

Change Your Bed Sheets

a clean made bed with white linens to represent changing bed sheets as part of your pre-travel to do list

There’s nothing better than climbing into fresh, clean bed linens after hours of travel. Save yourself the energy and time by making your bed with clean sheets before you leave. That way you can dive right in and drift off to dreamland!

Things You Should Not Forget To Pack Before Traveling

No matter how organized we are, packing can turn into a mess. It’s easy to forget important travel items when you are stressed about settling last minute details before a trip. I’ve compiled a checklist of important things not to forget before traveling:

  • chargers- phone, camera, laptop…etc.
  • masks
  • hand sanitizer
  • passport or ID
  • first aid items like Band-Aids
  • laundry bag

If you need more inspiration on what and how to pack well, check out these posts all about effective packing strategies!

a man's and woman's on a map with passports, sunglasses, a camera, phone, money, and credit cards planning out a trip

Traveling is a time for fun, rejuvenation and laughs, so make the most out of your vacation by making sure you’re prepared before you leave! I love using lists to organize my to-do task and check items off as they are completed. I hope this checklist helps you to knock out all of the easy to forget but important pre-travel tasks and sends you on your way to a blissful vacation.

What did you think of this checklist? Have you ever forgotten to do any of these items? Let us know in the comments below!

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