How to find balance if you are Overworked, Overwhelmed & Overcommitted
Which are you: Rested & Relaxed? Playful & Peaceful? Overworked, Overwhelmed & Overcommitted?
This is the final segment to the Overwhelmed & Overcommitted series. So I have a question for you: are you feeling rested & relaxed with your life? Playful & peaceful? Or are you still struggling, feeling overwhelmed & overcommitted? If your answer is rested & relaxed or playful & peaceful, then KUDOS to you for prioritizing your life! If you are still struggling with feeling overwhelmed & overcommitted, then read on!
Do you remember the commercial where the woman has fallen down, and she cries out “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”? That’s when you need help! You need to look at your priorities, decide which activities are energy boosters or energy sucks. Then follow your gut instincts in your decision making.
Does your life revolve aroun)d being constantly connected (ooops…guess that’s me!!)? Do you walk around with your cell phone stuck to your ear like an earring? Does your spouse or family politely ask you if you can eat without your cell, ipad, or other electronic dog leash? You just might be suffering from feeling overwhelmed and overcommitted! The good news is that just by making a few changes to your life, you can go from chaotic to calm.
You need to look at your priorities, decide which activities are energy boosters or energy sucks.
Compromise …. Think out of the Box!
Today let’s talk about meeting halfway — the big “C” word …. Compromise. There will be those activities that you believe in but don’t have time for. The first question that I always ask myself “Is this my ‘BEST YES’, or this just a yes because I want to do it”? Lysa Terkeurst in her book The Best Yes (The Best Yes by Lysa Terkuerst) walks you through the steps of how to make your “BEST YES” decision, and how to establish boundaries. It is a book that I have read, and highly recommend! It has helped to bring balance and healthy boundaries to my life.
A great example of how to compromise are “shared jobs,” where an employer will take a full time position and split it between two or more employees who have similar work styles but none want to work full time. There are a lot of companies who are realizing that employees want more flexibility and time with their families so telecommuting could be an option. When you are looking at options and compromise I have found it is good to look “out of the box” and find creative solutions — if in fact this is your “Best Yes”.
Say No Sometimes, Even When You Want to Say Yes
It is so much easier to say “Yes” than “No”, right? Those two side-by-side letters “N” and “O” are quite hard to combine and create the word “NO”. This is certainly something I have struggled with and continue to struggle with. I’m a people-pleaser, and so saying “No” is really hard for me and can create guilt. This is where you learn to trust your “No is no. And Yes is yes,” and feel confident in your decisions, without guilt.
Although you may have many passions, and believe in many causes, we are only given 24 hours for each day. If you find yourself leaping enthusiastically into role after role that seems perfectly cut out for you, slow down. Put things back into perspective and choose only what you feel absolutely compelled to do. Cut out the rest, and take some time to focus before taking on any more. If this is something you struggle with, check out Lysa’s book, The Best Yes for strategies on how to make your “Best Yes” decisions.
No superhero!
Too often, we feel that we must become a superhero of sorts and commit ourselves (and our spouses and families) to a breaking point. Being overcommitted doesn’t benefit anyone, though. Over-commitment can often lead to stress. When you have a lot of stress in your life, you run the risk of health problems like headaches, depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems among them. Make you and your family a playful, peaceful, restful and relaxed family. Choose your priorities and make the decision to be involved only in a few choice activities, and begin to embrace the simple life today.
To learn more, read part 1 on How to Live a Simpler Life and part two Following Your Intuition