Before we left the states headed for the Bahamas, God blessed us with a box of children’s bible videos and coloring books to coincide with the videos. Though we were not sure what / who we were to give these to, God knew in advance of our leaving. So onboard they went.
We arrived at Little Grand Cay on Saturday, April 25th, and once we were tied up and settled in, Jim and I set off to explore this tiny settlement in the out islands. Little Grand Cay is about a mile in length. The main attraction is Rosie’s Place, a famous eatery that serves cracked conch, lobster tail and grilled grouper.
With the closure of Walker’s Cay due to a devastating hurricane, Little Grand Cay has become the go-to destination for fisherman looking for the thrill of big game fish (marlin, tuna, wahoo).
Little Grand Cay seems to be a place that time forgot, and there is not much industry other than fishing today. But as in most of the settlements we have discovered there are 1 or 2 churches. Such was the case on Little Grand Cay.
On Sunday, April 26 we chose to attend the local Baptist church, Shiloh Baptist. When you walk into Shiloh, you feel like you are walking into a ship, all warm wood, and exposed beams which look like ribs of a ship under construction. There is no air conditioning, but that Sunday morning there was a wonderful breeze as all the windows were open.
Bahamians seem to be so free and open in their worship, and the traditional rhythm of the music causes your feet to dance in time to the music. As we were sitting in the pew, God just prompted both Jim and I to look at each other and we knew …. this was the church that He had chosen for the supplies we had brought. So after church we connected with the children’s leader, and explained what we had brought with us. Her eyes lit up and a big smile crossed her face. She said that yes, she could use the videos and books, and could we deliver them to her house – the green house behind the church. We agreed, and walked back to the boat to get the box of videos and coloring books and deliver it to her.
We returned to her house, knocked on her door and we were invited in, like honored guests. Turns out her daughter was there also – and she is a teacher at the only school on Little Grand Cay – a Christian school.
So those books and videos will be used in several ways, in the local church and the local school. Only God…..only God! What a blessing for us to be used by God! I am already planning what we will bring on our return trip to the Bahamas this Fall…..and we can’t wait to see how God once again multiples the gifts of His children.
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