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  1. Great tips! It took me years to learn to only pack what I really need,

  2. It’s amazing how little you actually need while traveling. I tend to overpack, but then wear my favorite things over and over again. You’d think I’d learn from that, but I always want to be prepared.

    1. I am the chronic over-packer! Learning to be brutal though!

  3. Great tips! I’ll try them out the next time I travel.

  4. Nice post. I like to roll our clothes to make more space in our luggage too.

  5. Great suggestions! I like the idea about electronics. I also believe in neutrals and definitely flats!!! Thanks for all the tips.

  6. I hate packing and unpacking for vacation or any type of travel and comfort is a must! Grat tips and thanks for sharing!

    1. Absolutely! Comfort and mix-match are my traveling mottos!

  7. Great ideas, Betsi. If I could only get Kelley to read it! She tells me, “I’m high maintenance, Mom.” Perhaps you can covert her when we meet up next week.

    1. Ha ha! I can totally relate … I used to be high-maintenance…then we moved from a 3500sf house onto a 47′ sailboat. No room for what I call “fru fru”!

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