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  1. Dominique Kotzé says:

    Thank you so much!really helpfull tips and great ideas!Going to visit our children in Germany from South Africa in a month’s time!

    1. Thank you Dominique for your kind words. Enjoy your trip – it sounds exciting!

  2. Veroinica says:

    Hi Betsy Hill: Thank you for The packing Tips and Tricks. Reading this is so timely and I am going on to the UK in about 8 days. I will definately follow your instructions on packing my suitcase.
    Thank you

  3. Brenda Stroisch says:

    I’m wanting to learn a more minimalistic way of packing. When I travel I end up packing way too much. I think I will need these items , and I return home with more clothes that I didn’t wear than the ones I did. I need help, would love to have a copy of your packing list when available. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Brenda, I am getting ready to slip away for a food & wine festival – may I respond to this question next week?

      1. So I tried this and failed miserably. I pulled out your list of items and tried to fit in one suitcase along with charging cords, toiletries, underclothes and nightly. Some are of which are not mentioned in your list. I just could not fit it all in one suitcase with the shoes outlined. Now, I have to admit that my suitcase is a carry on because who wants to pay the airlines to find out your luggage went somewhere else.
        I think most people try to do carry on these days because of the uncertainty and fees with the airlines getting your bags to its destination.
        I removed half of the clothing and one pair of suggested shoes. I think a good pair of walking sandals will replace dress shoes. I wear runners onto the plane so I only need to pack one lightweight pair of sandals. I found that removing half worked but even then barely because of toiletries. I decided to only bring toothbrush, brush & comb, mascara, brow pencil and cc cream. The rest I can buy at my destination.
        I also carry some packable items in my purse to save suitcase room.
        You must be bringing a larger suitcase than I am and paying to stow on the plane rather than having a carry on. I appreciate the suggestions. Thank you for posting. It gave me the incentive to practice for my upcoming trip.

      2. Hi Jackie, I pack with packing cubes (compression style) in a 21″ carry on. I also have a “personal item” which is where my electronics, cords, skincare & cosmetics go, as well as a small cross body purse, travel docs, and meds. All of these items are here (copy and paste in a new window): I promise you it CAN be done, but compression cubes are KEY, and I use the smallest one in my personal item, and it has ALL my cosmetics and skincare. Now, anything like jackets, coats, etc I would need a bigger bag. But it can and will fit.

    2. Hi Brenda, I’ve just gotten home, and I had not forgotten you. Here is the link to my resources page where you can find my packing lists. If you are wanting a more specific packing list I can help with that ~ email me the details ~

    3. Hi Brenda, I’m finally in one place long enough and with enough wifi to answer! Here is the link to my packing list: If you need something more specific, let me know, and we can find a time to chat virtually. Also, here are my absolute favorites – including packing essentials: Let me know if you would like a one on one consultation ~ I do this for lots of people who need assistance planning trip packing.

  4. Where can you buy packing cubes? I just missed a sale on the Today show/?

    1. Hi Susan! So I have transitioned to COMPRESSION packing cubes and here is a link to the ones I personally use and LOVE – Please do feel free to contact me with any other questions!

      1. Jo Anne Hull says:

        I have a few packing cubes, received as gifts, but I mostly use ziplock bags of various sizes. I always take a few extra ziplock bags – sandwich size and quart. Last trip I used one as an ice bag for sore knee.

      2. I have used those as well and I do keep one or two in my suitcase for wet bathing suits. However, the packing cubes keep me more organized, and I don’t have to sort through things finding what I want – I put 3-5 entire outfits in a packing cube, and unless it is something that has to be hung, I literally toss the packing cube into a drawer, unzip it and just take out the outfits. So easy, and space-saving. The ziplock bags can do the same thing, but then they can tear, and you cannot fit as much in them.

  5. Cheryl Luckett says:

    I’m heading to Southern Italy (Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia) for a month during mid September to mid October. I can only take one bag plus a carry on. The trip includes 4 and 5 star hotels and two Michelin dinners. Any tips on packing for this varied trip will help. Thank you!

    1. I would take mix and match – tops that could be worn with pants and with skirts. I would also include a little black dress that you could add stunning jewelry, a light wrap, comfortable but dressy flats or a pair of block heels, and a dressy bag/clutch big enough to hold your phone, credit cards, and a bit of cash.
      I am so jealous of this trip – on our bucket list! I’d love to follow along – feel free to message me on any of the social platforms – but I hang out a lot of instagram!

    2. I’ve been to Italy three times all three times. We were pretty much casual the whole trip. Dinners were business casual. Be prepared for rainy and hot weather as it changes periodically.

      1. Hi Elaine, I think you are spot on. I found myself in cardigans and in sleeveless while we were there….and steamy hot!

    3. Hi Cheryl! I would definitely dress for seasonal change. Because you have two seriously upscale dinners, definitely take a classic little black dress and dressy shoes – either heels or flats. I would take a wrap if needed to wear with the dress. Italians tend to dress in a more classic style, and most likely you’ll be able to send your laundry out. Pack a couple of pairs of nice slacks (black/blue/tan are my suggestions) with some button down tops – these can easily be dressed up or down. Throw in a couple of nice skirts, and you have everything you need. Be sure your tops will go with all of your skirts and slacks. Jewelry – nothing expensive! My suggestions here would include a chunky bracelet – maybe chain link style; a stunning statement necklace or pearls ( pearls go with anything!) and either pearl type earrings or even a pair of swarkowski crystal style earrings. Use packing cubes – you’ll be surprised how much you can fit in them – you’ll want compression cubes. Take a comfy pair of walking shoes – wear those on the plane.

  6. A printable list would be great. Packing for river cruise and o to Paris in May for total 19 days. Need carry on only. With weather possibly changing I need help.
    This has been a great blog.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Anita,
      Thank you so much for the kind words! I have a couple of ideas – every river cruise has the ability to do laundry, and may even run specials. So, I would definitely take the following type of things – a little black dress, comfortable but cute shoes – these you can dress up or down, with accessories. Take a wrap that you can wear with the dress. I like wearing dresses when I travel because I get a lot of wear out of them, and they look super cute with walking sandals or white tennis shoes. Take 4-5 pair of pants/crops, neutral colors, 5 tops that can be worn interchangeable, 2 neutral skirts that can be worn with those same tops, and 2-3 pair of PJs. I would find a wash & fold laundry in Paris if needed. I am in the process of creating a printable packing list…may I email it to you? Also if you are one of my email subscribers I do send things like the packing list to them….

  7. Cindy Watson says:

    Betsi, how would you pack for a 14 day Transatlantic Cruise in April from Ft. Lauderdale to Amsterdam? The temperatures will surely be different from the start to the end. We will spend 2 days in Amsterdam. I didn’t see anything in your blog here that would help with varying temperatures.

    1. Let me first say Congratulations on the transatlantic cruise! Those are some of my favorite cruises!

      Now to the meat of your question. I would pack with layers in mind. Depending on when you are leaving, I would at the very least carry several pair of jeans or long pants along with a light weight sweater and a heavier cardigan. That should work well for Spring and early fall. If this is a summer cruise you should be fine in crop pants, a knee length dress, or shorts,and a selection of short sleeve tops. But always pack a lightweight jacket or windbreaker.

  8. Paula Bryan says:

    Great tips But quantity is my problem
    For example: on a 2week Caribbean cruise How many undergarments? I want to take 14 pairs and 5 bras I know it seems excessive but I also don’t want to waste a day looking for a washer and dryer that are not being used Any ideas?

    1. Hi Paula,
      I feel the pain here, and can relate! I don’t think the undergarments are excessive, however, I don’t think you will need 5 bras. You will spend time by the pool, and the Caribbean is warm almost all year round. For a 2 week Caribbean cruise I’ll pack 1 extra bra, and 2 bandeau bras; 3 pair of PJs, 3 crops/shorts & tops that I can mix & match them with for different looks; 2 shorts; 1 coverup; 2 swim suits; 2-3 sundresses; and 2 casual dresses I can dress up for dinner or wear during the day if I want. Hope this makes sense! In essence I have enough for the entire cruise, and bank on the fact that I’ll change twice a day, not counting for pool time.

    2. cheri pedersen says:

      I wear thin panty liners to cut down on undies.

  9. I do love using packing cubes by category. It saves space and organizes things for me to enable me to easily locate what I need at destination. You can also pack entire outfits in cubes if you prefer that.

    1. Packing cubes are great! On shorter trips I also packing entire outfits / days in different cubes!

  10. Great tips! I love how you have wardrobe suggestions for the different types of trips.

    1. I am so glad it is helpful! Let me know if you have any additional suggestions

  11. I travel with only my carry on . I pack 13 items and here they are 1. Convertible shorts(white in co!or) convert to Capri’s. 2.white linen pants,3. T-shirt, or linen long sleeved blouse ( that can be used as a cover up)5.maxi dress,6.short dress,7.bathing suit,8.tote,Sun Glasses,flip flops.9.bras,panties.10.Sunscreen. I wear my brimmed Hat and sun glasses as well as comfortable sandals and another maxi dress and pashmia on the plane. I pack these items in my tote I have a cross body RFID purse for my passport and ticketas well as cc and cash.

    1. Awesome ~ that is impressive capsule packing! I can pack with less or with more, depends on where we are heading, and how long we are traveling. The mode of transportation also dictates a bit as well.

  12. You mentioned how packing cubes are essential. But you never mentioned using them or how you, in particular, use them.

    I, as well as a lot of people, have health issues requiring quite a few medications and supplements each day. For my daily medications, I use little baggies like for beading supplies. I mark them am or pm. For OTC items I use a daily pill sorter and mark the slots. I use one of those also for jewelry.

    1. So funny you asked! I use packing cubes for lots of things. I pack my lingerie in them, cosmetics, masks (our new normal!), medicines, socks, shoes (flats, sandals, & flip flops). For jewelry, I have a small craft box with slots that I slide into my backpack.

  13. Great article.
    Would love it if you made your packing lists printable!

    1. Hi! Thanks for your feedback! That is actually a great idea, and I will begin working on that, and making the list into a printable. Thanks for the suggestion – I appreciate you!

  14. Rita Earl says:

    Thanks for the tips!Having ADHD my suitcases seem to keep increasing in numbers as I banter back and forth about what & how to pack only to succumb to “take ALL of it” out of frustration!

    1. You know I can relate to this! It was out of necessity that I learned to leave stuff behind. But now, I don’t think twice. If it doesn’t fit in the carryon it does not go. Exceptions of course for longer trips, or cold weather trips, but carryon only is my norm.

    2. I like this post. Your ideas are useful to make a trip easier. These tips are really helpful for travelers. Thank you so much for sharing these useful ideas here.

  15. Great post & exactly what I need to help me prepare for an upcoming trip to St. Augustine.

      1. It’s like you’re on a misoisn to save me time and money!

      2. Absolutely! I love time savers and packing is one of my passions – along with travel!

      3. Connie,

        One of the reasons I created this list was as a guide. What may work for one person may not work for another. This is merely a guide. If I were staying in accommodations where I could do laundry, I would take less. Depending on the season and where I am traveling I will tweak this. However, I have traveled with all of this in a carryon.

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